Random thoughts keep popping in my head as i watched videos of you from youtube and talking to other ELFs on many fanpages and fandom community…i couldn’t take it anymore..the emotions and opinions are hard to bear…
Though i haven’t been with you from the beginning of your journey on November 6, 2005…i was aware of you guys because of a friend in highschool who was addicted to KPop…my awareness for all of you came when i saw you in your Haengbok mv…but i wasn’t hooked on you by that time…just find the MV and the song cute but i’m not paying attention to the singers individually though i know its you Super Junior…and i’m sorry…
I came to really like you when i saw you, again, on your Neorago MV..i must say its a long process of liking you..but this kind of affection that grows in one’s heart through time is stronger than anything and everything in this world…tested through time…but seriously, i really regret it that sometimes i think i’m too old (i’m just 22) for liking you, seeing and aware that most ELFs are in their teens…but age doesn’t really matter right?…i’m just sorry that iv’e begun supporting you a bit too late…but still..
I want to thank you for making us smile and creating a world filled with sapphire blue balloons…thank you because we gained Ever Lasting Friends from across the world..that even though there’s a language barrier, we still understand each other through your music…when Words fail, Music speaks right?
Almost 2 years of being an ELF and still counting..along with old ELFs and new ELFs that i know will keep on coming.we will support you no matter what happens…
Cry if you must…feel hurt if you must…shout and be angry sometimes if you must..that way, the world will know your still humans, capable of being hurt and feel weak at times when you can no longer handle everything…but please always remember to smile at the end of the day…remember the happy times with one another..that you got each other through thick and thin…and most importantly, remember that ELFs are always with you…after all, we are a FAMILY…
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